Bid Process & Purchasing Limits

Small Purchases
Purchases over $2,500.00 and less than $25,000.00 are awarded based on an informal competitive bid process. Generally, we request bids from at least three vendors. The bid is awarded to the low responsive, responsible vendor; the bidder who meets the specifications, terms and conditions stated, including the delivery requirements, and offers the lowest price. The only time we do not award to the lowest price is when the bid does not meet our specifications or the bidder is not responsible. Informal bids may be verbal or written. Anyone can see the bid results after the bids have been opened.The City Manager is authorized to enter into contracts for the purchase of supplies or equipment or contracts for professional, consultant, and maintenance services where the amount of the contract does not exceed $100,000.
Large Purchases
Purchases over $25,000 follow a formal procedure. These Requests for Bids (RFB) and Requests for Proposals (RFP) will be mailed to each vendor on the Bid List for that particular commodity or service. The bids are opened publicly at a specified time and place and City Council must approve the bid award at a public meeting.Register as a Vendor
Vendors may complete a Vendor Contractor Questionnaire and return it to the Purchasing Division. Once the completed application has been received, the vendor will be placed on the bid email list under the appropriate categories. Vendors will be emailed requests for bids when they are issued for the commodities that they provide.Register as a Vendor
Emergency Purchases
There are times during emergencies when an order must be placed by City personnel after hours or on weekends when the Purchasing Division is normally closed. Emergency purchases may be made for items which are immediately necessary for the continued operation of the division involved or which are immediately necessary for the preservation of life or property. Vendors should be assured that they will be paid for anything sold to City employees under these conditions.Purchase Order Terms & Conditions