Downtown Design Guidelines and Zoning Regulations

The purpose of the Downtown Design Guidelines and Zoning Regulations is to further the City's Vision for Downtown Turlock by establishing guidelines and standards that will provide land use, physical design details and guidelines necessary to guide future Downtown investments. Recent public and private investment has increased interest in the Downtown Core, with future investment in Downtown Turlock anticipated. The Zoning Regulations and Guidelines are intended to encourage and facilitate appropriate private investment within the Downtown Area that reflects the historic commercial character of the core and the traditional residential character of the adjoining neighborhoods.
Community participation has been an important aspect in the preparation of this document, primarily provided through the input and involvement of the Downtown Design Guidelines and Zoning Regulations Steering Committee.
The goals for the Zoning Regulations and Design Guidelines include:
- To ensure the current and future success of the Downtown by preserving and enhancing its unique historic character.
- To encourage future development that is compatible with the overall feel of Downtown.
- To protect and enhance the pedestrian environment and accessibility in and around the Downtown Core Area.
- To conserve the traditional character of the immediate surrounding residential neighborhoods while guiding future development for use and reinvestment through alternative uses.
- To promote renovation of historic buildings in Downtown and promote new investment and construction.
Feel free to contact the Planning Division with any questions regarding this plan at (209) 668-5640.
WARNING NOTE: This version of the City of Turlock Downtown Design Guidelines contains references and information from an outdated version of the Zoning Ordinance (Title 9 of the Turlock Municipal Code). Please refer to Chapter 9-4 of the current Zoning Ordinance.
Download the Downtown Design Guideline
Download the Gateway Zones